St Mary’s
St Mary’s Transfer Station is owned and operated by the Municipality of the District of St Mary’s.
- Garbage Transfer Station
- Organics Transfer Container
- Construction and Demolition Waste Disposal and Diversion Site
- Residential Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Location
Accepts for transfer to the Guysborough Waste Management Facility:
- Garbage
- Organics
Other materials diverted from disposal on-site when received sorted:
- Metal, including fridges and other large appliances
- Clean Wood, Leaf & Yard Waste
- Construction & Demolition Wood and Drywall
- Asphalt Shingles
- Tires
- End-of-Life Electronics
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Paint & Empty Paint Cans
- Propane Tanks
- Batteries (all sizes)
- Empty Oil & Antifreeze containers (caps on)
- Oil Filters
- Aerosol Containers
- Cooking Oils
Bagged paper and container recycling and residential quantities of cardboard (bundled) is collected curbside every other week. The hauler is Eastern Shore Cartage, call direct with questions – 1-800-261-0372. The collection schedule is here.
St. Mary’s Transfer Station location:
150 Geoggan Road (off Hwy 7)
Goldenville, NS