Clear Bag for Garbage

Across the Eastern Region, all regular garbage must be placed into a clear bag to be collected for landfill.  Each clear bag may contain one solid colour bag no larger than a kitchen catcher (20″ x 22″) which may contain non-recyclable/compostable items.  All other waste must be visible within the clear bag.  This applies for all bagged garbage generated in Antigonish and Guysborough Counties.

What can I put my kitchen garbage in?

If you use a small kitchen garbage can, you can continue to use white kitchen catchers or grocery bags but they will have to be emptied into a clear garbage bag. The small soiled bag would then also be thrown into the garbage. Clear kitchen catchers can also be purchased at many local stores.

Clear kitchen catchers can be tied and placed in the larger clear garbage bag for disposal. There is no limit on the number of small clear bags that can be placed in the clear garbage bag.

What about my privacy?

In each regular sized clear bag for garbage 26” x 36”, you are allowed to place one (1) white/solid color bag with bathroom waste and health related items. The white/solid color bag could be a grocery bag, kitchen catcher or other solid color bag up to the size of 20” x 22”. All other waste must be visible within the clear bag.

Can I use a clear bag for recycling?

No, recycling bags must be blue so the collector can easily keep the recycling separate from the garbage. This is so garbage is not accidentally shipped to Colchester for recycling.

Has the curbside recycling program changed?

No, the recycling program has not changed. To recycle you must use 1 transparent blue bag for your paper and a 2nd transparent blue bag for recyclable containers. All items must be sorted into the right bag and be clean and dry. Cardboard is bundled and placed to the curb on the same day as recycling collection.

Do I have to Backyard Compost?

It is provincial regulation that food and leaf and yard waste not be disposed in a landfill or incinerated. If you do not have access to organic collection you are required to backyard compost.

Where can I find a sorting guide?

Here are the sorting guides for the municipalities in the Eastern Region.