Curriculum Based Waste Management Education for Grades P-6
Please contact us if you would like to have an in-person or virtual presentation or discussion. We are here to help with your School Waste Management Program and to provide FREE Classroom Education with links to NS curriculum. These new resources are available for us to share and for you to access from Divert NS.
Below are a couple of flyers to highlight some of what we offer.
Printable PDF copies: Grade P-5 Flyer & Grade 6 Flyer

School Greening Assistance
Also, please contact us if you would like assistance with greening your school. We can guide you as changes are made to your program. We would also like to share your school greening ideas/programs with others. We need your assistance to make this exchange happen.
Strait Regional Centre for Education:
- Antigonish Education Centre
- Chedabucto Education Centre
- Dr. J. H. Gillis Regional High School
- H. M. MacDoanld School
- Fanning Education Centre/Canso Academy
- St. Andrew’s Education Centre
- St. Andrew’s Jr School
- St. Mary’s Education Centre & Academy
Other schools where we can assist include:
- Ecole Acadienne de Pomquet
- Highland Academy of Learning